Body IQ - Listen to your body

 In the evolution of man walked away from other living beings, and our behavior is regulated by the brain, rather than instinct. But the human body has its own intelligence, the so-called Body IQ. Our body is constantly sending signals to the brain, which, unfortunately, most of us have forgotten how to respond. Why jogging can sometimes do more harm than lazy wallow on the couch or a bar of chocolate?

These are the questions our body knows the answerBecause each person is unique and has its own individual characteristics, you only need to learn to listen to your body, time to recognize its signals and adequately respond to them.

Anyone who wants to live happily and in harmony with each other, must follow not only prudent guidance in life, but also to ask your body what it can to please.

Live happily ever after - Does not mean to do everything by the book, but also to meet their five senses. Just they often need training to lead the mechanism of positive attitude in action.

Very often the lack of attention to the needs and desires of his body leads to a constant feeling of dissatisfaction can lead to severe depression, as well as mental and physical illness.

You can learn how to better understand your Body IQFor this you just need to pay more attention to your body. Use of any spare moment: while waiting in line at the bank, in a traffic jam on the roads, public transport.

Listen to yourself, "How do I feel? I was sitting directly or bent? Torments me thirst or hunger? I breathe fast or slow, deep or not? I was standing on both feet?" Evenly distributed if the weight on both feet? By learning to pay attention to your body, you will be able to quickly recognize its signals.

Furthermore,Body IQ has much to teach and our brain. For example, the majority of women in varying degrees unhappy with their appearance. This is due only to social causes (fashion, new standards of beauty, team, personal experience and so forth.), Because our body feels great, regardless of the length of the nose, breast size or eye color.

Constant grumbling about too thin hair, extra pounds or wrinkles around the eyes, especially pronounced aloud, may adversely affect not only the mood, but also on the overall condition of the body.

Once these thoughts start to creep into your mind immediately clearly tell yourself "Stop!", The best out loud. Learn to love yourself as you are, pay attention to the positive aspects of their appearance, and they are, of course, everyone. Learn to not only "judge" your body, but also "feel" it.

Our body has an instinctWhich is there to protect our health. The body is constantly sending signals to our brain respective happens it is absolutely unconscious. To learn how to recognize them, it is necessary, first of all, learn to relax, shutting off your mind from the surrounding noise and disturbing factors.

Body IQ running smoothly as soon as the body that something is missing, he immediately sends some signals. For example, the approaching cold awakens the appetite for fresh fruits and vegetables (the need for an additional portion of vitamins), and our body craves peace.

If lowered blood sugar levels or decreased ability to concentrate, hands reach for a chocolate bar or want to drink a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, we have almost forgotten how to read the signals of the body or very often incorrectly interpret them.

The reason for that - a strict schedule, which is not free time for yourself. And when our body sends a signal SOS, we are engaged in a seemingly more important things: the negotiation, preparation of the report or household chores.

As a result, we are waiting for the evening headache and fatigue universal. With the help of exercises can beimprove your Body IQ and develop a system for early detection of any ailment.

To free themselves from the burden of daily work routine, it makes sense to introduce into your daily routine scheduled breaks. Body IQ several times a day unconsciously leads us to such a pause, we close the eyes for a few seconds, immersed in a short waking dreams, unconsciously look away from your desk, etc.

This allows our mind to relax a little tense, but these mini-breaks are often inadequate and release a few minutes to rest just seems impossible.

As a result, our body is left with no choice but to make their signals are more noticeable: headache, muscle tension, back pain, fatigue and so on. If in this way the body can not reach the brain, it is very easy to be in a state of prolonged depression .

Do not bring themselves to such a phase help following exercise: 180-degree turn. Once you recognize the signals your Body IQ overload, immediately, without delay, leave it in place and turn around from his workplace (cluttered desk, broken phone, chaos after child birth), take a deep breath, relax and try to oust all thoughts out of my head that at first may be difficult, but to give up in any case not worth it!

Setting aside the reasons for the excessive load is not possible, go further (in the truest sense of the word). Go outside, walk, focusing on the breath, their steps or around the world.

Pick up a stone lying under your feet or fallen from a tree leaf. Sit on a bench in the nearby park, close your eyes and just listen to the rustling of leaves, the noise of the wind, birds singing, not trying to somehow assess or classify. Try completely free your mind from everyday worries and problems.

If your day is always painted by the minute, the pre-assign your daily "appointment with yourself" and do not try to cancel it or move on then. Hour or even half an hour every day or every other day will not only distract from the cares and troubles, but also to refuel you up to the top with the necessary energy.

This time can be devoted to a walk, meeting with friends, shopping, maybe even the fitness center, massage or autogenic training. Try different ways to relax, Body IQ again tell you that suits you best. In a particularly busy days do not forget their loved ones, it is the family and loved one will return you the strength and balance.

It is possible for that you belong to the group of people who are peace and relaxation, on the contrary, bring nothing but harm, and intense stress you feel is the best. If after the 10-hour working day, you are full of energy, it is not forced into a state of rest.

Our body knows best what is good for him. It has its own knowledge, experience and intuition, which specifies that suits us, but from what should be abandoned. Who understand your body's signals and intelligently reacts to them, he is familiar with his Body IQ. A better counselor than the intellect of his own body, you will not find, you only need to develop it and use wisely.

Tags: body