"Mom, Dad, I - a real family! »

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 Complete family - a guarantee of not only comfortable for your child, but also a happy and peaceful life for yourself. Studies have shown that people who are happily married live longer and suffer far fewer health problems. Children who grew up in this family, it is balanced and calm personality, less prone to complexes and psychological problems.
 A lot of children around the world and in Russia, including suffering from his parents' divorce. Former spouses themselves are experiencing this problem, but they are adults and a small child, for whom life was suddenly filled with the ongoing stress, gets a very strong nervous shock. The consequences affect all his future life grows person who is not convinced that love can save that marriage can be durable. It happens that the child withdraws into himself. Divorced parents, but the kids think that just leave them.

Full family brings the so-called standard template. Etalon relationships formed in the mind of a child is when he begins to watch the parents. If you have a complete family, in which there is harmony and mutual understanding, it is a very positive impact on children's perception of the world.

Problems and difficulties of life, inevitable for all, overcome together, so full of family easier to cope with such situations. Children look to their parents and learn what is needed to resolve important questions together, learn social mechanism for such decisions. The child in the family feels complete support of parents, so it is often much bolder behaves more resolute, growing sense of confidence in themselves and their loved ones.

Psychological studies support the fact that often the children who grow up in single-parent families are experiencing difficulties with their personal lives. They are more difficult to start a family, do not know what to do in any given situation, they are not even sure that the family - it's important for them, because they themselves grew up without a parent.

The practice of divorce strongly influences the child. Well, if Mom and Dad are a low profile in relation to each other, do not quarrel with the child and find out the relationship with scandals.

In this case, there are times when not only for you but for your child it is better if it is decided to divorce. In some families, the wife so often quarrels and conflicts that there is always a tense atmosphere reigns. Children growing up in such an environment, not want to go home, because they are there waiting just stress, moreover, both parents on occasion may break them. In this case, a divorce, though deprive the child "full" of the family, yet not form a negative attitude to the very term of its creation. Measured and psychologically stable life, even if one of the parents is much more useful for the child than the tense and full of conflict with two.

Tags: child, mother, family, divorce, influence