How to teach my husband to order

How to teach my husband to order
 In his house a man feels his master. He calmly throws the corners of things not doubting that the faithful servants, that is, you all will gather and lay down on the designated areas. Most likely, he did not know where it is stored and socks on a closet shelf stacked pajamas. Not men's business! Well, we, for many centuries, trying to educate and train a man to respect at least the relative order. Here are just some reason, the results are quite modest.

Note that if the socks are constantly lying middle of the room, it will automatically become part of the interior. Can hemmed them under the seat, but not to shift to another, not typical place for them.

You watch her husband's return home? Notice how elegant gesture he hangs past his cap hook favorite. Do not disturb her husband. Just before you was born a masterpiece - a new word in the design.

Cute with pleasure eats soup. Ate, stretched, and went to lie on the couch. Do not touch the holy leftovers. They can enjoy more than one day.

Now, rising early, in good conscience go to work without waiting for the awakening and only beloved. He is not a small babe. The very able and have breakfast and get ready. Yes, before you leave do not forget to turn off the phone. Or, quite by chance, leave it at home.

Returning home in the evening, try to make yourself very frustrated look. Ask for forgiveness for her husband what had to leave it unattended. Patiently listen to a story about the search for your favorite pair of socks and a cap eaten by your dog. Calmly and clearly explain to the man, in which the cabinet in the kitchen are clean dishes. But do not rush to clean dirty with yesterday's dried traces of borscht.

Such preventive measures spend about a week. After all, to a man must walk, it is easier to look for socks, if they are in the closet.

Gradually he learns to get off the shelf clean dishes. And as soon as it is complete, try to loosen one of the dirtiest. For particularly important achievements reward him with sex. And so, gradually, the method of carrot and stick, accustom her beloved husband to comply with the order.

The main thing is that you do not quickly ended the patience to look at the devastation in your home. And to get you ahead of time is not "rolled up their sleeves."

Of course, this method is suitable not for everyone and not a hundred percent, but you ought to start somewhere!

Tags: house, the husband, the order