How to learn to save: budget planning

How to learn to save: budget planning
 According to the National Agency for Financial Studies (NAFI), only every fourth Russian family planning your budget. However, about 39% of Russians save money. According to experts, many do not save because they lack the financial discipline. From this point of view with respect to the parsimony money like a workout. One goes to the gym 3-4 times a week and the other buys a subscription for a year, but after a week it becomes too lazy to attend.

"The muscle-saving" also need to train regularly setting aside part of the earned. Personal financial plan can be built on the difference between revenues and expenditures. Increase the amount that will remain and will be on savings in two ways. It is necessary to reduce costs and (or) start to earn more. Not everyone manages to do both one and the other, but this should strive for.

You should also get rid of the "financial parasites." A detailed cost rasmotrenii some lines in the personal budget will obviously superfluous. You can get rid of them without loss of quality of life. It is worth all calculated using a pen and paper, file table on a computer or internet sites (eg,,, or The goal - for a month to record all costs, even the smallest, and at the end of the month to find out how much and what you spent.

It is important at the outset to define their plans, that is to decide what you want to save money. Clearly aware of the goal, it is easier to save for the future.

If you managed to take the first step and to release some of the money for savings, then it's time to move on to the next step. Hide money in a piggy bank bad: inflation eats them. Therefore, all "free" money should be put in the bank (or not to remove the card).

Experts recommend to create a reserve fund. He will save us from such unpleasant surprises as job loss or illness. Its minimum volume - the cost of the family for six months. It is better to keep it in bank accounts in three different currencies.

However, even with the financial plan, it is impossible to accurately predict the future. We do not know what will be inflation, the dollar, the cost of communal services, the price per square meter and even our salaries in the coming years. First of all, we should take into account inflation. The more prices rise for goods and services, the more people are spending. Yet at the same time about the inflation rate rising and incomes. And the increase in property prices is usually ahead of inflation. Financial plan in any case should be reviewed each year and adjusted as necessary.

Tags: money, plan, salary, contribution, savings, inflation