Hire an angle in a love triangle!

Hire an angle in a love triangle!
 The term "love triangle" was initially coined not to talk about romantic relationships linking of three people. For the first time it is used the expression writer Henrik Ibsen. In the drama "Hedda Gabler," he called as friendly relations couples with single men or women. The current value of this phrase has acquired much later.

An affair with a married man was happening in the life of almost every woman. As a rule, they are quite fleeting and filled with romance. Secret meetings, filled with passion, eventually just make no sense. After all, most of the time a married man spends with his family: his wife and children. Mistress gets only a fleeting moment.

Often this situation is first satisfied woman. She has a passionate lover, but it is free and can be a lot of time to devote to yourself and your hobbies. However, after some time comes the realization that relations are deadlocked. Would you like to share with a loved one all the grief and joy, but the lion's share of his time and attention belongs to another woman.

In this case, a man can promise that certainly would divorce, or tell us how he is unhappy in marriage. But believe all he says - a big mistake. If your lover is always something interferes to leave his wife, then most likely this will never happen.

Oddly enough, but most unfaithful husbands quite firmly attached to their wives. They are accustomed to his family and do not want to change the situation. So what is the mistress or break their union, or wait patiently when man finally decides to change. You can use blackmail, threats and other unclean practices. However, in this case, it should be remembered that this situation could be repeated, except that you may find yourself in the other corner of the triangle.

Married women, to learn about the infidelity of her husband, is also not to be envied. Jealousy and tantrums will not help, but rather push the faithful into the hands of rivals. Find out exactly what is missing husband in your family life. Update your wardrobe and hairstyle often talk to him heart to heart, the interests of its problems.

To save the marriage, some women go to extremes: coming up with a serious illness or trying to get pregnant soon. However, this can lead to quite disastrous consequences. Remember that you are still in a better position. You are well underway life, there was a grinding, men are afraid to undergo the procedure again. Perhaps it will be the mistress of the fresh wind that will bring your family in the long-awaited peace and tranquility.

Tags: man, angle lover