Romantic travel: what to expect

Romantic travel: what to expect
 The best way to check the senses, compatibility, and a chance to get to know each other better - a romantic trip. This is a mini-training, which will demonstrate the pros and cons of living together, allow to find out whether you really want to be together.
 Individual situations, the reaction to the circumstances of the satellite, its behavior and habits have a lot to tell about it. Therefore, a pair of awe and thrill are a romantic trip - after a trip you either stay together or disperse, no middle ground. But do not worry so - just be yourself and behave naturally.

For women, the main problem is that they have to appear before the elect in its natural form - morning, bathing, double room at the hotel, where it is difficult to retire to bring myself up. Those women who wake up an hour earlier in order to put the hair and make up, deserve sympathy - so far to a nervous breakdown. Remember - a loving man will never scorn to raise eyebrows, to see you without makeup or disheveled, wet hair. On the contrary, he will be glad you enjoy this opportunity, without a ton of makeup - men like natural, natural beauty, which possesses any woman. If, however, you do have attracted only sexy outfits and spectacular appearance, it is not the man for whom should sacrifice something.

The financial side of the relationship - a very sensitive and controversial. If a man invites you on a trip, then, of course, this assumes that all the costs it incurs. Another option - you pay journey equally. On vacation watch the satellite - how it communicates with the waiters how to spend money as responding to your requests, etc. Greed fan is very revealing, so draw your own conclusions.

Consumer habits and life in one room can easily flip your idea about each other, cause rupture. That's why you can not hold back and behave unnaturally - your most unusual habits may seem cute to him, and he will love you even more.

If you are chosen some secret addiction (gambling, a passion for drinking, etc.), Then on vacation they will manifest. Do not be fooled - the power of his love and care you are unlikely to "cure" the beloved.

Make sure that it responds to the abundance of seductive female bodies around - if the favorite does not reduce with you eye is worn to you gently and carefully, it is a good sign.

Tags: travel, vacation, weekend