How to identify fake

How to identify fake
 No matter where you got the bill, there is always a chance that it will be unreal. Fakes are also some grandmothers in the subway, and at ATMs and supermarkets. In an average year, according to statistics available to law enforcement agencies, with a counterfeit bill faces every tenth Russian. Such is the lottery. Most frequent fake - thousandth bill.
 Note how the touch paper bills. It should not be smooth. At the touch of a real bill roughness has embossing. If it does not, you're dealing with a beautiful piece of paper, not with money.

Note one more thing. To "correct" bill to be floating silver thread. Dotted strip extends vertically bill smoothly "ducking" in the paper. At clandestine printers such technology may not be, so they are glued to one another two pieces of paper, caving in one of them, and threading them through the foil. In this case, the edges of the rectangles are too sharp, not smooth, as in the present bill.

Feel corners money. They should be a bit shabby. If the paper is stratified, it is obvious "lime." After a look at the image of a bear. If the "shake" bear in hand, moving the light bill up and down and changing the angle of view, it should change the color. In one position bear purple and the other - green. On bogus you will not see.

Do not forget to look at the light bill. Yes, the watermark. Profile of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. It should be there. Under iridescent bear to be present and the figure in 1000, made with the help of micro perforation. Figure should be clear and to the touch - smooth. On counterfeit banknotes is performed using the needle, so it can be rough on the one hand, the openings themselves are too large, and image - number uneven.

On a white field must be present and small colored hairs. Look closer they are to be welded into the paper. On a bad forgery they are printed.

In case of doubt do not hesitate to offer to carry the bill to the bank to check or do not take it. Why do you need a piece of paper, which costs nothing, even if it is beautiful?

Tags: fake identification