Features of modern wedding fashion

Features of modern wedding fashion
 Wedding fashion is quite conservative. However, in this area has its own trends. Designers, manufactures dresses and accessories, as well as shop owners, representing the wedding decor, they must take into account. Modern trends are quite diverse and allow experimenting with shapes, colors and materials.
 The most striking difference between modern wedding fashion - color variety. The traditional white color are increasingly giving way to popular ivory (ivory). Bright red, purple and black wedding dresses are no longer considered shocking. Popular romantic and bright shades - pink, blue, lemon, lilac, and contrasting trim. But printed dresses almost never occur.

Another important trend - the attention to the interests of various groups. Today designers offer special outfits for pregnant women and people with disabilities. Some designers draw inspiration from folk costumes or religious traditions. For example, it is the classic European-style dresses can be tailored to the ideals of Muslim women. Neckline excluded veil hood replaced, and there is revered by Muslims finishing green.

Great influence on modern wedding fashion has a vintage style. The ideas of the past decades are reinterpreted and modernized and are offered as current trends. Combined popular models - for example, dress in the style of the 60s, complemented by a removable cable or by a simple model with smooth bodice and skirt, reminiscent of a bustle.

Particular attention is paid designers and the audience dresses celebrities and royals. Royal wedding - a powerful impetus to market copies of orders. Dresses varying degrees of similarity and various price categories are snapping up very quickly, and they demand too much in the Asian market. But the popularity of clones does not last long - the next year, these models depart from the scene.

Fashion affects not only the styles of dresses. Not smaller changes occur and accessories. Wedding hats and wreaths are rare today. But popular veil, fastened to the hair under the chignon, or a variant in the form of veil thrown over his face. More rare model - the veil of lace draped over her hair as a shawl.

Change and wedding bouquets. Today's creations florists can be very creative. Instead of the traditional orange and roses in a bridal bouquet includes any seasonal flowers, exotic orchids, sunflowers, herbs and even ears. Bouquets themselves take many forms - from traditional round Biedermeier aesthetics to funny beams and joints of flowers. Strict compliance with the general style of bouquet attire is not required. Eclecticism - this is also the current trend. And wedding fashion happy he should.

Tags: wedding dress, fashion dress, a feature