Why is there antifashion and how it affects us

Why is there antifashion and how it affects us
 Fashion - a kind of superiority of any style in a certain area of ​​life or culture. Therefore, it is not only due to the realization of a beautiful period of time, but also reproduces the main traditional and historical aspects, the political and social order. Since these areas entirely affect the perception of the world, especially when it comes to the growing generation, their role in establishing the laws of fashion in all periods was high enough.

Antifashion - this is a new phenomenon that gradually develops and acquires its own nuances. In different countries and at different times of its development occurred differently. Appeared non-standard clothing, accessories and behaviors. But the main point is that antifashion appeared in crises and turning points. From the point of view of psychology it served as a demonstrative protest over the established principles and stereotypes.

By what reasons this trend began to get a lot of popularity these days among young people?

The thing is that many teens want to stand out from the crowd. Tend to look outside the box. But it also happens that the "new image" among young people due to the protest, for example, against school policy.

Another equally important reason for the development of this trend is the desire of every young person to be part of a particular group, to support its interests. So they feel more comfortable, forget about the problems and difficulties. In addition, each group has its own goals, hobbies and rituals that are often teenagers are very interesting.

When a child comes into one of these groups, parents begin to panic. Doing this is not necessary. The most important thing - you must try to prioritize. Parents do not have to think about how their child is dressed and looks like, here plays a big role his psychological state.

You must try to be aware of the interests of their child, to know what he's interested and gently suggest to him in the right direction.

If a teenager with my parents a good relationship, he trusts them, then surely he will share all their experiences and problems. Thus, the parents' council will be to him a much more authoritative than the attitudes and stereotypes of certain adolescent groups.

As for the appearance of the child, it is not necessary to prevent this. If this does not hinder its development and normal life, even worn as it sees fit.

Plays an essential role psychological climate in the team and the ratio of teachers to students. If teachers are able to find something good in every child and in accordance with this to find the right approach to all of the students will not occur reaction of protest and a desire to oppose itself to all.

That is, one can not say that antifashion - is negative for. The main thing - an adequate perception of the direction of children and adults.

Tags: teenager influence antifashion