How to wear jeans boyfriend

How to wear jeans boyfriend
 What are the most fashionable jeans today? To know the answer, try the old favorite, and perhaps a little ripped jeans her boyfriend - this is the most current trend of the season, and that's very likely the next few.
 Sliema and skinny - cuts that have recently determined denim fashion, seem to lose their positions. Are replaced by baggy and shapeless men's jeans, worn by women. This broad, slightly torn and frayed pants rolled up, in most cases, maybe even to the middle of the ankle. Fashion houses produce "male" jeans for women, but they are equally well sit on the representatives of either sex. This so-called style "boyfriend jeans".

Even Coco Chanel, a consummate master of style, says that a woman who has put men's coat, looks much sexier than the one that chose feminine evening dress. It is completely free to let herself enjoy the clothes from the wardrobe of her lovers. Many women like men's shirts. But here's the men's jeans - someone this fashion shocking. At the same time, they look on the girls extremely elegant, emphasizing femininity and slim figure, making the image of an incredibly sexy.

Abandon them should not even those who prefer romance in clothing, because it is worth adding accessories, and boyfriend jeans become extremely feminine clothes. Feel free to wear them with shoes or sandals with heels, suitable as favorite ballet flats or sandals flat shoes.

Since pants wide and baggy, then the top, on the contrary, should not be too loose, but rather emphasize the shape. For example, the trench coat or jacket can be very bright color, perfect. Flirtatious tight shirt, waisted shirt - it is also perfectly will look in boyfriend jeans. Also be sure to wear a belt. Firstly, it has a purely practical purpose - or pants will fall down with you, and secondly, the belt in this case is an essential part. Casually supports jeans, it further emphasizes the contrast between your femininity and "rude" pants.

Can try to wear boyfriend jeans with sneakers, T-shirt and Olimpiykoy. If the pants are a little ragged, it will only accentuate the style. Skin-tight sexy top will be a great addition. Creating such an image, you can not use a belt and suspenders.

Today boyfriend jeans are not ashamed to wear even the stars. They rapidly become fashionable in America and England, so it is highly likely that soon will become popular in Russia.

Tags: jeans, man, jeans, boyfriend