In medicine, tinnitus is usually called tinnitus. The term comes from the Latin word tinnuo, which literally translates as "ringing." Noise in the ears can be in many ways - it can be a whistle and a bell, and hum. Such noise can be subjective and objective.
Objective noise - it's one that can hear not only you, but also a doctor, this noise can be registered by special devices. Such noise could occur for several reasons - neuromuscular, musculo-articular, vascular.
Subjective noise - one that only you can hear. The most common cause of this noise - fatigue, headaches, fatigue, inflammation.
Tinnitus affects more than 30% of the elderly and every fifth inhabitant of our planet, has not yet reached the elderly.
In order to successfully get rid of this unpleasant symptoms need to find its cause and the reasons may be very different:
- Pathology of or damage to the eardrum
- Diseases of the inner ear
- Frequent exposure to loud and shrill sound (eg, from a long stay in discos or rock concerts)
- Otosclerosis or ear sclerosis
- Allergies
- Low blood pressure.
So, if you experience symptoms such as noise, ringing, buzzing, whistling in the ears, headache, feeling that the ear is something there, then call your otolaryngologist. If the problem is you do with your ears, the audiologist will help you be sure and prescribe treatment. If he does not reveal any abnormalities, it will direct you to be examined by other doctors.
While you are being treated, you should also make some efforts for a speedy recovery. Try to avoid noisy environments, limit the consumption of coffee, tobacco and alcohol, avoid stress, get plenty of rest and keep your ears warm.