Herbal tea: what it is, how to cook and properties of herbal tea

Herbal tea: what it is, how to cook and properties of herbal tea
 Who does not like home in a cozy atmosphere to pamper yourself and your loved ones a delicious and fragrant tea. In today's world there is a great variety of all kinds of varieties of this drink: black, green, red, with and without additives. Herbal tea is also customary to include in the list, even though it produced usually not from tea leaves, and roots from a variety of plants and flowers.

Preparation of herbal tea

Cook at home this drink easily. To do this you need a bit of dried or fresh root or leaves, seeds and flowers. This mixture must be filled with boiling water and let it 10-12 minutes. If you are using plant material before cooking it is necessary to grind. This is to ensure that it gave the nutrients faster. Dried berries before welding is better to divide, but fresh can simply crush.
Herbal tea is often mixed with red, yellow, green or black tea to get a more full-bodied taste and aroma.

Properties of herbal tea

Property of herbal tea depends on its components. Have a calming effect leaves of cherry, lemon balm, primrose willow-herb, St. John's wort, peppermint and raspberry. Tones tea brewed from the leaves and flowers of lavender, lemongrass, clover, strawberry and angelica.

To overcome the spring beriberi will help tea, black currant, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, nettle, rosehips, blackberries, carrots, barberry or raspberries.

Herbal teas are delicious, healthy and have a mass of healing properties. They are relaxing, sedative or stimulant.

Camomile - the perfect escape from the headaches. Tea with thyme help you cope with a strong cold. Yarrow is famous for its soothing properties. St. John's wort has a beneficial effect on the human liver.

Black currant is indispensable in diseases such as tonsillitis, gastritis or vision problems. It contains a large number of trace elements, succinic and citric acid, iron and vitamin C. In the preparation of tea is not only used currants, but the young shoots and leaves.


Not everyone can use herbal tea. Allergy sufferers, this kind of tea is unlikely to fit. Before use, be sure to consult with a specialist.

With self-herbal tea, carefully read the medicinal properties of each ingredient, otherwise, you can not only get the desired result, but also worsen their condition.

Tags: preparation, use, property