Bananas, especially rich in vitamins, the content of which is high enough vitamin C to help cope with winter colds and infections, is an excellent antioxidant and slows the aging process; B vitamins are an indispensable tool for insomnia, stress, brittle nails and weakened hair; carotene protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system and cancer, slows the aging process. Vitamin E contained in bananas makes your skin soft, supple and smooth, improves mood and prolongs the life of cells.
Bananas - a remarkable and totally harmless antidepressant. Therefore, eat bananas every day, they will help to cope with increased irritability and sadness. The sweet taste of banana pulp and contributes to the formation in the human body hormone of joy - of serotonin. He contributes to the vitality and tone. Mood begins to rise and it becomes easy for the soul. In addition to all of the effects of serotonin, it helps prolong male erection and sexual intercourse.
Eating just a couple of bananas a day, you fill in the body potassium deficiency, thus you will be able to get rid of tiredness, muscle pain and weakness, become much smarter and physical activity, you will disappear swelling and bags under the eyes, appetite, stops crack and peel off the skin. Potassium helps to strengthen the heart muscle and work and help fight high blood pressure. If you eat bananas every day, you do not need drugs to reduce the pressure.
In diseases of the stomach and duodenum, particularly during acute illness, bananas are particularly useful due to its fibrous structure. It is desirable to use instead of other fruit, as it does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the stomach.
Bananas are particularly useful for people suffering from cardiovascular disease and failure, kidney disease, biliary tract and liver, hypertension and diabetes.
Bananas remarkably reduced energy after a long exercise and training, good as well and before exercise. It is desirable to include bananas in the diet of elderly people and children. It is interesting that eating one banana a day, women can safely survive the premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
But people who want to say goodbye to excess weight, do not eat bananas in large quantities, as calories in a banana contains not less than potatoes. Therefore, sitting on a diet of bananas is better to use as the home of cosmetics rather than in the form of a rich dessert.