Thiamine is often called vitamin pep because B1 strengthens the nervous system and improves mental ability. Also marked by a small diuretic effect.
General useful properties of vitamin B1:
- Promotes the growth and development of children;
- Facilitates the digestive process;
- Increases the digestibility of carbohydrates;
- Improves mental ability;
- Contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system and the heart;
- Improves muscle tone;
- Removes negative symptoms of motion sickness, helps with the transport motion sickness;
- Reduces pain in the teeth after dental procedures;
- Effective as an adjunct in the treatment of herpes zoster.
Natural sources of thiamine are dry yeast, pork, milk, oatmeal, wheat and bran, beans, peas, and most of the vegetables and peanuts.
Thiamine is destroyed during food processing, and its enemies are alcohol, caffeine, antacids and sulfonamides. Therefore, smokers, people who consume large amounts of alcohol and coffee, and people taking sulfa and reducing gastric acidity drugs require higher doses of thiamine. During pregnancy, breastfeeding or taking birth control requirement for vitamin B1 is also increased. In addition, the need for thiamine increases during severe nervous overloads, long illnesses and in the postoperative period.
B vitamins are most effective in combination but not in isolation. Wherein the amount of each vitamin - B1, B2 and B6 should be identical, for example 50 mg. In such a balanced dose of vitamins is much higher efficiency. If vitamin B complex also includes vitamin B12, folic acid, and pantothenic, such a combination would have an even greater efficiency.