10 tips for a useful combination of products

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 Human health depends on lifestyle, especially on how and what he eats. Wherein the composition is important not only products, but also of their correct combination. There is incompatible products. And there are those who reinforce the beneficial properties of each other.
 To reduce the risk of cancer and strengthen the immune system need to drink daily cup of green tea with lemon. This kind of tea contains many antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and protect cells from the damaging their action. A citrus juice amplifies their effect by four times.

 Cranberry juice without sugar detrimental effect on streptococci, which are "guilty" in the development of caries. In addition, cranberry juice inhibits the deposition of plaque on the teeth and tongue. But natural cranberry juice sour enough, and to use it with pleasure, you need to dilute it with plain water. He does not lose its medicinal properties and will not be too acidic.

Only 1/3 cup dry milk added to the pudding satisfies 40% of the daily requirement for calcium and vitamin D. In the presence of this vitamin calcium is absorbed well, contributing to the strengthening of bones, ligaments, and teeth; and also reduces the risk of premenstrual syndrome.

 Add Turkish peas to any vegetable dish. So you make it nutritious without the extra calories. As well as meet the body's need easily digestible proteins.

 Save visual acuity before the end of life will help the regular use of fresh cabbage in conjunction with other products, deep fried. Cabbage is rich in lutein and carotene, which prevent cataracts and other age-related changes of view. A deep fried vegetables contribute the most out of these elements.

Canned salmon added to vegetable salads, provide the body with a weekly rate of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are necessary for the prevention of heart disease, as well as protecting the body from premature aging. Raw vegetables help to improve the assimilation of these essential fatty acids.

 Vitamin A is necessary for good vision. Its deficiency causes night blindness - reduced visual acuity in the dark. Add to your favorite sandwich three leaf spinach, this you satisfy the body's need for vitamin A by 20%. This vitamin helps protect the eyes from age-related changes.

 Half a cup of sunflower seeds added to a portion of whole grain cereal for breakfast, 100% will provide you with a daily rate of alpha-tocopherol - the active form of vitamin E. As a powerful antioxidant, it prevents the destructive effects of free radicals on cells. Thus, you will improve your immune system and reduce the risk of many diseases, including cancer.

 Adding fresh pepper in a salad or an omelet, you get almost 100% of the required amount of vitamin C, which keeps the skin young and strengthens the immune system.

 Lack of micronutrients in the body, in particular - zinc, degrades the properties of reparative cells. In these circumstances, it is difficult to heal wounds and long recovery period occurs after colds. One-fourth of a cup of wheat germ 50% will satisfy the daily requirement for zinc. Adding them to your daily serving of yogurt, you will significantly reduce the risk of colds.

Tags: product useful combination