Spices to deal with a bad mood

Spices to deal with a bad mood
 In the Middle Ages spices and spices were very expensive and were a sign of wealth. Now they can be found in almost any kitchen. Spices are used not only as a seasoning for dishes, they can be used to improve health, normalize weight and get rid of a bad mood.
 Cinnamon - one of those helpers in the fight with a bad mood. It is made from the bark of the tree, which is collected during the rainy season from May to October. Cinnamon has a pleasant smell, it is usually added to baked goods and other dishes. Naturopaths recommend including cinnamon in fees as a means to improve mood, with nervousness, depression, memory loss and mental performance, multiple sclerosis, and after a stroke.

Have too much turmeric its beneficial properties. This spice with a slight pungent flavor improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins and improves kidney. In addition, this spice sunny color helps to maintain optimism and good humor, chases away the dark thoughts and melancholy. In India, turmeric is added to the tea and spiced milk, rice dishes and beans, as well as dairy dishes. In Europe, yellow turmeric powder is added to the biscuits, scrambled eggs, cheese, margarine is used for coloring and dishes with rice and cheese. But to use this spice should be carefully so as not to spoil the taste of the dish.

Peppermint - is one of the most fragrant spices with the smell and taste of menthol. Mint is added to the tea, it gives the drink freshness and useful properties. Ancient Romans and Greeks were convinced that the smell of mint freshens breath, not only, but also the mind, so the pundits were wreaths on their heads mint. Mint leaves used when cleaning to improve the smell, a good mood and show guests that they are pleased. Mint - a sedative for nervous disorders and depression. Also, the smell of peppermint increases concentration and has a general strengthening effect.

This is not a complete list of herbs that can help you improve your mood, banish the blues and improve health. Add them to the food and spices in the form of oils used in aromatherapy. Just be careful, some spices are a number of contraindications, so specialist advice will not be superfluous.

Tags: spice, turmeric, mood, spice, spice, cinnamon, wrestling