Alas, not always nor the person subject to post-traumatic depression, nor his family and friends do not realize that he needs serious psychotherapeutic help. Deal or limited advice not to worry unnecessarily (because everything is already in the past), or reproaches, scandals requirements not blossom, pull yourself together. Of course, this only aggravates the condition of the sick person, finally leads him to believe that no matter what he is not able to, lost to the family, society, etc.
On what grounds can a sufficiently high degree of probability to conclude that the person is suffering from post-traumatic depression?
1. Suspicion is clearly beyond the reasonable vigilance and caution. A man looks at everyone he met as if he expects a surprise attack, or at best manifestations of some ill will.
2. Part of the explosive aggression. Any trifle, not worth attention, can cause a violent reaction: cry scandal accusations, sometimes passing into the assault. And it can happen both at home and in public.
3. The sharp deterioration in memory, attention, concentration. The work, which prior to the traumatic situation was carried out easily, now requires individuals significantly greater effort of physical and mental, and often can not be brought to an end.
4. If the cause of traumatic situations were military action (for example, a person went to the hot spots), any loud noise or sudden shout, touch can make him quite unexpected response. From attempts to fall prostrate on the ground (develop a reflex - go away from the line of fire) to strike the enemy.
5. Abuse of alcohol or drugs.
If at least some of these signs of post-traumatic depression relatives and friends should make every effort to convince the person seek qualified psychotherapeutic help.