A friend I destroyed

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 Female friendship - often very conventional concept when it comes to men, the intimate secrets and bad debts. Are there any best friends and loved ones right? Who, then, can you trust?

Quite often it happens that once best friend suddenly turns into an enemy №1, one has only to appear on the horizon of a decent young man. What are the only tactics and strategies are not going to move to defame, humiliate and to completely eliminate an opponent, the former until recently best friend. Men, of course, flattered that because he played such battles, but not the fact that he then select one of the ladies as a life partner. So that both left with nothing: no love, no best friend, which you can complain to the vest on "all men - and selfish bastards."

What kind of weapons were used against the former best friend unscrupulous ladies first? Well, of course it's a secret, intimate and not so. Men, perhaps, in principle, anyway, that Mary had an abortion by Petit and Dasha has a mentally retarded brother. Therefore, if a man is still impenetrable, in the course are absolutely nedamskie methods of struggle. Sometimes to the point of destruction friend in the truest sense of the word. But that's another competent authorities, which is not the senses.

Usually women to a certain age are no longer friends to share "best" and "just friends", protecting and nerves, and their living space, and left to itself only female friends. Share secrets with her husband or relatives, borrow money under receipts, a new dress can, in extreme cases, to vilify only sister or mother. Is still female friendship impossible?

Possible, and no less than men, but only in the case when the two women talking to each other, do not pursue any selfish interest, or, as expressed unnamed wit, "jealous of each other in silence." After all, envy, and one of its varieties - jealousy - are able to destroy all the best in people. This statement can be considered valid for both women and men.

Tags: friend, rival, friendship, extermination