New Force Majeure: how to save the holiday

New Force Majeure: how to save the holiday
 New Year - the most anticipated and favorite holiday for children and adults. On this night rejoices in the whole country, tables groaning with food, people give each other gifts, the children waiting for Santa Claus, while adults try on new outfits. But, unfortunately, the holiday can spoil any surprise. From major disasters are not perfect, but with minor troubles can try to cope and to save the holiday.
 No money

Serious trouble that can greatly impair a Christmas mood, may be the lack of a festive budget. Unforeseen expenditure before the New Year, relocation, wage arrears, but who knows what else. Try not to lose heart and rely on the funds that have. The absence of a luxurious table compensate creative approach to the design, unusual interior, beautiful scenery, which can be made independently from scrap materials stored in the closet almost every housewife. Arrange New Year in oriental style. Cover the floor doormat, drape fabric wall, for example, old curtains, chandeliers and windows decorate with garlands. On the floor, spread a cloth on the ground, which will give a fabulous traditional Russian cuisine - pies, pancakes, chicken with apples fried to a crisp potatoes and, of course, delicious jelly with horseradish. For children prepare at least inexpensive gifts and witty surprises and celebrate. The main thing is peace in the family and in a good mood. 

Turned off the light

New Year is celebrated by all and everywhere, so if you disable electricity, it is unlikely to appear before January 2. Please this trouble in their favor. If you have a gas stove, continues to prepare for the New Year. Can illuminate the darkness with candles and festive program to look after, on the internet. The holiday will be much brighter if you enjoy yourself on their own - sing with a guitar, heat communicate with each other. Much worse, if you stay in a semi broken appliance. In this case, go to visit with all undercooked dishes - cook with relatives or friends. Or go to the cafe - not at home New Year to remember.

No tickets

By the New Year prepared in advance, think through the menu, buy gifts to relatives and friends, pick up the clothes in color patron of the year. Some go on holiday to other cities, to relatives, friends, so you need to buy tickets in advance, otherwise you can not get tickets. If such a nuisance to happen to you, get yourself together, try not to get upset. Firstly, you can always stay home and celebrate in familiar surroundings. If you need to go, take a ticket on the proposed date. Leave on December 31 is usually not particularly complex. Get ready to celebrate New Year's Eve on the train. Also a kind of adventure. In any event, the New Year has not been canceled.

Tags: holiday year, the mood, trouble, force