Skipping seriously for health and harmony

 Skipping seriously as a sport has gained popularity at the end of the last century. We have this word is still known not for everyone.

Skipping seriously as a sport has gained popularity at the end of the last century. We have this word is still known not for everyone. And some probably very surprised to learn that skipping seriously - it is simply a jumping rope. Indeed, in English the word "skip" - means a jump, bounce. Remember once popular Australian TV series "Skippy"? Yes, that was the name the heroine - smart and funny kengurihu. They, kangaroos, as you know, is not able to walk, but only jump. So for us, in order to start doing skipping seriously, you need only the ability to jump, well, jump rope, of course.

But why they engage in, you ask? What do the benefits of jumping rope?

Well, children still clear - for fun and something we, adults, why? And I'll tell you why. Benefit from this fun children's weight.

* Firstly, jumping rope develop flexibility, posture, balance and coordination;
* Second, exercises with a rope can effectively work out calves, shoulders and arm muscles and abdominals, which naturally improves the figure;
* Third, develop stamina, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
* And fourth, it's a great way to lose weight, because the jumping, you can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. In general, with regard to burning calories, exercises with a rope superior bike, tennis and swimming, and on the degree of efficiency in order to lose weight comparable only with running.

Moreover, skipping seriously available to everyone, regardless of the position of the material, the age, weight and height. In sports stores you can buy a high-speed rope for training with high intensity turns. It is made of high quality materials, has a strong arm and a transparent cord.

Jump rope can almost always and everywhere, it is very compact, does not take up much space, even fit in your pocket.

On the day of skipping seriously engage preferably at least 10 minutes. Thus it is necessary to follow the simple rules.

* Prior to the start of classes, consult with your doctor if you have problems with the intervertebral cartilage or joints, then jumping rope you are contraindicated.
* Make sure that the cord of the rope will not hurt the surrounding objects, especially chandeliers, if you are going to jump at home.
* During the lessons feet should be together, back straight, elbows close to the body.
* Turn the rope should wrists.

By the way, has long held the world championships in skipping seriously, and the world record belongs to the man - 318 jumps in 60 seconds.

You too can participate in the competition, if you really want and will train hard. And here is thea model program for training, It offers the first vice-president of the Federation skipping seriously in Russia Vladimir Bogomolov:

 Jumping mixed

 1. Forward on two legs one jump simple, the other hand skrestnye;
 2. Back on two legs one jump simple, the other hand skrestnye;
 3. Back skrestnye 10 feet (20, 30, 49, etc., the more - the more chances to win) + jumps forward on the right foot hands skrestnye 10 (20, etc.) jumping + forward on the left foot hands skrestnye 10, 20 + jumps forward on two legs 10, 20 jumps.
 4. Back on two legs 10, 20 jumping + forward on the right foot hands skrestnye 10, 20 + jumping back on the left leg hands skrestnye 10, 20 jumps forward + skrestnye feet and hands skrestnye 10, 20 jumps.
 5. Forward squat on two legs 10, 20, jumps back the hands skrestnye + 10, + 20 jumps forward in the squat change Alternate legs 10, 20 + jumps back legs skrestnye 10, 20 jumps.

Tags: health, harmony