There is a traditional set of exercises that will help to pump it back delta. But do not forget that before training should be performed five to ten minute warm-up to "warm up" muscles. Not bad will happen if you make a run and also for
Proper training should start with push-ups. Accept the default position and make them at least
Next - exercise with a barbell. It should be lifted, lying on the bench so that his head was above the shoulders. Do not take too much load because it will have to work with it as if you shrug your shoulders.
Another exercise with a barbell - bench press from a standing position. Set the bar on his own height. Grasp it so that his hands were placed wider than shoulders, after - Remove and squeeze to arms. Inhale deeply and slowly, gently lower the bar behind your head about ear level. Altogether during a workout should do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Gradually, the number of repetitions for one approach can be increased.
Not bad for the back of the delta and do pull-ups so that the horizontal bar was behind him. To achieve the desired effect, place the hands on the bar as far as possible. Follow pull smoothly to avoid natrudit or damage the muscles during exercise.