Effective exercises for the press

Effective exercises for the press
 Beautiful trim press - the dream of many women. For this they are willing to withstand the most rigorous diet and perform the most complex exercise. And even massage, body wraps, and much more. Women rushing from one medium to another in search of the best, most effective - that will help to make the perfect belly.
 Abdominal muscles are divided into three main groups: direct, oblique, and the so-called lower abs. It is the underlying muscles hardest yield elaboration. After all, their covers a layer of fat, designed by nature itself to protect the reproductive organs located in the pelvis. Therefore, work on the abdominal muscles have to start with the work on this challenging group.

Lie down on the gym mat face up. Extend hands along the body. Lift your legs and bend their knees. Hips should be perpendicular to the floor. Keeping the angle of the hip joints, tighten abs and bring your knees to your chest. The pelvis should be completely off the floor. Not unbend your knees at the top of the point, otherwise the load goes to the hip. Exhale and return to starting position. The maximum number of twists.

Lie down on the gym mat face up. The hand press to the temples. Bend your legs and lift so that the shins are parallel to the floor. Tighten your abs and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Stretch the left elbow to your right knee. Then, without dropping the body, stretch your right elbow to your left knee. Perform 6-8 skrestnye twists and slowly lower your shoulders to the mat. Stretch your legs and relax, feel the stretched abdominal muscles. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat. Gradually increase the number of twists in each approach

Direct abdominal muscles are the strongest and do the exercises on this group must be at the end of lessons. So they get the maximum load.

Lie down on the gym mat face up. Push hands to his temples. Legs slightly bent at the knees, feet rest on the floor hip-width apart. Tighten your abs and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Drag the chin forward. Try not to push the head in his hands, it increases the load on the cervical vertebrae and can cause injury. If you find it hard to control yourself, stretch your arms forward, between the knees and drag them. Slowly lower to the mat, follow ups 10-12, on the last uphill does not drop down, and try to gently shake the body, trying even harder to raise the shoulders. Make 6-8 springy movements. Get down on the mat, stretch your arms behind his head, legs fully straighten and stretch the whole body, stretching your abdominal muscles. Hold for 20-30 seconds and do the exercise again.

These three kinds of twists are basic exercises for the abs. All the rest - just their variations.

But the most effective exercises for the abs are leg lifts in the vise on the crossbar. During this exercise perfectly worked out lower abs, obliques act as stabilizers and also get a significant burden and, of course, the rectus abdominis work in full force. Women are often difficult to perform this exercise in the first place because they do not have power in your hands to keep himself on the bar for a long time. In this case, you can use special carpal straps.

Grasp the bar. Hands shoulder width apart, palms facing outward. Push your lower back, slightly pinch the blade and slowly lift straight legs as high as possible. Do not swing your body and do not try to throw your feet up sharply. The movement should be smooth in order to gain maximum muscle load. Most likely, you will be hard at first to raise his legs high enough. In this case, try to raise the legs bent at the knees, and then hold the hips, straighten them. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. This exercise is still the fact that you can use to increase the load burdening.

Performing abdominal exercises, do not forget about the aerobic exercises. Only running will help you get rid of excess body fat, which is able to hide even the most remarkable muscle.

Tags: press, exercise, twisting