How to increase your triceps

How to increase your triceps
 Pride athlete - pumped hands. Triceps give hand relief appearance, but it is difficult to pump them, especially athletes, have strong pectoral muscles. It is because they feel it is difficult to work the triceps. There is a series of exercises aimed at the increase of the muscle groups.
 The most simple basic exercise is bench press. For its implementation need to lie down on the sports bench press tightly against the head, buttocks and shoulder blades to the surface. Take a grip bar on top, remove it from the racks, and holding at chest level, squeeze on them. Slow motion without moving the shoulders, lower the bar to face. Lock position and lift up again. When you exercise your elbows should be kept in a bent condition.

Effective exercise for the triceps inflation - French press with one hand. For its implementation requires a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell. Initially you need to sit on the bench sports, take a shell in his right hand, lift it up. Elbow fully straighten. Lower the brush, squeeze the shell, behind the head so that the arm does not move. If necessary, it is possible to maintain the left hand. You can not pause when lowering the brush, you need to immediately raise it back. Then repeat the procedure with the left hand.

To achieve the bump should be included in a set of exercises extension of the arms back in the slope. Starting position: stand in front of the sports bench, feet wider than shoulder width to place, in the right hand take a dumbbell. Put one foot on a step forward and bend over so that the left hand rested on the bench seat. Hand holding a dumbbell, should form a parallel with the body and be fully pressed against him. Inspiratory lower the dumbbell down, bending the elbow at 90 degrees. Forearm exercises at the bottom should be perpendicular to the floor. Straighten the arm powerful movement, lift the dumbbell to the previous level.

Performing this exercise requires two benches to be put in parallel. Put one leg, lean hands on the second bench. For proper load distribution should keep hands on the inner edge of the bench. By adopting the original position, you start to slowly lower the body down, bending your arms at the elbows. Then throw the body jerked up and take the starting position.

Tags: hand drill, pumping