Form a beautiful triceps will help the French press. You will need a heavy dumbbell. Sit on the bench, back straight. Hand with dumbbell lift up, keeping it straight over your head. With his free hand, hold the elbow. Lower the brush with a dumbbell behind your head, make sure that the shoulders were fixed. Remember - inspiratory arm straightened, exhale to lower his head. Do exercise 10-15 times, change hands. You can do it by holding a dumbbell with both hands.
Extension of the arms in the slope will help to make your triceps more relief. Stand in front of the bench, in the right hand take a dumbbell. Arrange the legs slightly wider than shoulders. Lean forward, place your left hand in the seat. Hand with the shell pull back. Flexion and extension of the elbow. Make ten to twelve repetitions, then change hands.
Also help to train the triceps common pushups. The only peculiarity is that when push-ups, try to raise your elbows to the sides. The number of push-ups should be maximized.
Virtually isolated triceps work with push-ups on the bench behind. And to increase the load you can put two benches parallel. Lean back on his hands, and put your feet on the second. Flexion and extension of the hand, but make sure that the shoulder joints are not very gut-wrenching.
Remember that in order to achieve visible results it is important to consistently and regularly. Triceps - very stubborn muscle, which increases the amount of reluctance and even just stronger. Therefore, pay attention to her two or three times a week. You can do push-ups and at home every day. Also try to eat more protein and proteins.