Montignac diet: how to eat properly

 Who among us has not dreamed of having a slim and beautiful figure, to be healthy and at the same time varied and tasty to eat, indulging in eating? Michel Montignac argues that it is possible! In his book, Secrets of Power Montignac pharmaceutical company employee Michel Montignac has developed a method to combat obesity, which is currently used by doctors of the Institute of Food France. That is the completely new approach to weight loss: do not need to limit yourself to the amount of food, it is only necessary to avoid certain foods and dishes.


Who among us has not dreamed of having a slim and beautiful figure, to be healthy and at the same time varied and tasty to eat, indulging in eating? Michel Montignac argues that it is possible!
In his book, "Secrets of Power Montignac" pharmaceutical company employee Michel Montignac has developed a method to combat obesity, which is currently used by doctors of the Institute of Food France. That is the completely new approach to weight loss: do not need to limit yourself to the amount of food, it is only necessary to avoid certain foods and dishes.

New guidelines suggest not to sit on a regular diet and eating habits change, to move away from stereotypes. Overweight, dissatisfaction with her figure, malaise, fatigue are the people suffer today.

Obesity contributes to the development of all the diseases and the disease becomes a century, this disease affects more than 64% of the US population, approximately 60% of Chinese, 28% - in France, 26% - in Russia. But overweight for most people the problem is primarily aesthetic. Rare to find a woman who is not in my life experienced the at least one miracle diet. However, they all have a significant drawback. In order to achieve and maintain the desired weight it will diet for life. Hardly a man returns to the usual diet for the family, as his weight increased and doubled compared to the previous.

Montignac suggested that most obesity is associated with a disorder of the pancreas, which is released into the blood and excess insulin promotes processing of carbohydrates into fat. Weight gain occurs when the pancreas under the influence of various factors (unhealthy diet including) wears out, and its main function of insulin production - is broken.

Montignac method of supply is aimed at restoring the function of the pancreas.

1. Eliminate the menu carbohydrates causes an increase in the release of insulin, the so-called "bad carbohydrates". This white sugar either alone or in combination with other products, cakes, candies, jams. Also, do not include in a diet all industrially processed foods, especially bread made from white flour and white rice; drinks, especially alcoholic; potato and corn. It is preferable to use the "good carbs." Unlike bad they are partially assimilated by the body and therefore does not cause a significant increase in blood sugar. These include grubomolotye grains and starchy foods, some beans and lentils, and most fruits and vegetables (lettuce, turnips, green beans, leeks, etc.), which are high in fiber and low glucose.

2. Adhere to the principle of separate power supply. Never mix "bad carbs" (white bread, flour, starch food) with lipids (meat, eggs, vegetable oil) in one meal.

Here are the basic rules for the period of the drop weight and normalization of pancreatic function:

Breakfast starts with fruit - they are well assimilated on an empty stomach, 15 minutes to digest and stimulate the bowels. Fruits should always have an empty stomach!

Completely eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar should be avoided in all its forms, and the food industry adds it everywhere: in dairy products, pastries and breads, juices, canned foods, sausages, etc. Allowed the use of sugar substitutes.

Until you reach your desired weight, avoid all foods containing carbohydrates and fats (lipids) (chocolate, avocado, liver, nuts, chips, pastries, fatty dairy products). Hazards include sausages, in their composition often contains starch and flour.

Eat only bread from wheat flour and only for breakfast and pasta only wholemeal.

Forget about potatoes, especially fried. Discard the white rice, eat only brown (brown) or wild rice.

Enter in your diet legumes, mainly as a main dish for dinner. For example, pea puree, lentils, beans dishes lobio, tsimes.

Temporarily refrain from all forms of alcohol as a hard liquor and wine, beer. Do not drink strong coffee, get used to decaffeinated beverages. During the meal, drink less fluid, so as not to dilute the gastric juice, and drink immediately before a meal. Sami cook fruit juices and drink them fresh. Juices are rich in vitamins and unlike purchased do not contain sugar.

Never skip a meal. Eat three times a day or more frequently in one and the same time. The feeling of hunger is unacceptable! By the way, if you're not hungry, you will not want to eat a bag of chips or a hamburger, or anything else like that.

After a carbohydrate-rich meal, wait at least three hours before you eat food, abounding in fat. After dinner, rich in fat, wait at least three hours before you eat foods rich in carbohydrates. Keep in mind, the body adjusts quickly to a three-hour rhythm.

Eat more dietary fiber: salads, beans, green vegetables and fruits. The above principles are strictly observed only during weight loss. When you reach your desired weight, you can prevent a number of exceptions. Not worth a return to old habits.

Its main task: to reach a stable weight for a lifetime! Power is really a habit, and the time will come when the question of food choices and combinations will be you automatically.

Tags: diet Montignac