A balanced diet summer

A balanced diet summer
 Summer every girl dreams to change the warm winter clothes on light open dresses and shorts, and therefore care must be taken to put in order to achieve the perfect shape and condition of the skin and hair. The best way to bring your body in shape after a long winter is balanced and healthy diet, which will return a person healthy color and saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements, which after the winter is often lacking.

The diet lasts six days, and every day you are invited to a different menu. Drink during the diet can clean water, fresh fruit juices, green tea. Drink at least three liters of liquid per day.

On the first day for breakfast eat grated beets and fresh carrots, season with lemon juice and herbs. At lunch, eat green apple and 50 g of solid cheese. For lunch cook 200 grams of lean poultry, adding as a garnish greens, and between lunch and dinner, eat some nuts and cheese. For dinner prepare vegetable salad, and 150 grams of cooked salmon.

On the second day cook for breakfast one egg and eat cucumber, then drink a cup of yogurt with berries instead of lunch. For lunch, cook for a couple of 200 grams of any lean fish with greens, and eat dinner on the eve of a pear. For dinner extinguish any vegetables.

On the third day start breakfast with a glass of fresh juice and then eat a bowl of buckwheat. For lunch, eat a green apple for lunch boil bird with herbs. After a couple of hours, eat some walnuts. For dinner, cook buckwheat porridge and make vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

On the fourth day fry omelet of three egg whites, add the tomatoes. Two hours later, eat a grapefruit with yogurt. For lunch boil 200 grams of seafood and make vegetable salad, and dinner also prepare vegetable salad with greens and boil fish.

On the fifth day Eat breakfast cereal bread, grapefruit and low-fat cheese, and cook for dinner any bird. At lunch, eat a little cheese, and boil the beans for dinner with greens and carrots.

On the sixth day, prepare breakfast buckwheat salad and slice of carrot and apple. At lunch, eat cottage cheese with dried fruit and a bit of lunch cook beans with herbs and pepper. Snack between lunch and dinner can be low-fat yogurt or fruit, and dinner on the sixth day to miss.

Repeat diet can be several times until you feel that the physical form comes back to normal.

Tags: summer, diet, period