The most popular weight loss diet: pros and cons

The most popular weight loss diet: pros and cons
 With the improvement of the quality of life of people suffering from obesity, increases. Therefore, the problem of weight loss has not lost its relevance. Everyone who has ever tried to get rid of extra pounds, have to do this my way, but there are the most popular weight loss diet.

Opens a list of so-called Valley of the diet, she kefir. This diet has a long history, and its performance is tested on several generations of losing weight. The essence of the diet is simple: during the week must be a day to drink a liter of yogurt, to which is added a pack of fat-free yogurt or three boiled potatoes without salt. Alternating such fasting days a week you can lose 5-7 kg. Adhere kefir diet for a longer time should not be, because the body does not receive almost it needs nutrients. The disadvantage of the diet may be noted that in fact it's just a gentle hunger strike because satiety yogurt does not, and the number of other products too little.

No less known protein diet based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates taken in food. Deprived of sweet, the body begins to break down fats active, wanting to get the energy it needs, and the person loses weight. The advantage of this power is that there is no hunger, as protein foods quite satisfying. If we stick to the established rules, for a month, you can lose 8-10 pounds. Such a power supply circuit is not suitable for everyone. Excess protein has a negative effect on the kidneys, so those who have kidney disease, you need to choose a different scheme for weight loss.

The following are the most popular diet ads that can be seen in almost every magazine - this diet program participants "House 2". The results achieved by Ksenia Borodina and Irina Volovicheva impressive. But nothing innovative in these diets do not. Both of them are based on reducing the number of used products and replacement of flour and sweet fruit and vegetables.

Choosing popular diets for quick weight loss, it should be remembered that the results achieved in this way is unlikely to be durable. The faster the body gets rid of extra pounds, the greater their number is returned. Therefore, an ideal diet scheme is the one that allows you to lose 4-5 pounds within a month.

Tags: Diet, weight loss