Fractional diet

Fractional diet
 Nutritionists say that the fractional diet is one of the most correct. It allows you to get completely all the necessary body nutrients and trace elements. When this does not occur overeating or starvation. Its meaning is that the 5 days you eat by the clock, the next 10 - in the normal rhythm for yourself. But the result of such a "ragged" food you can appreciate only 1-1.5 months

The first period is for five days. During these you must strictly adhere to the prescribed menu. But in the next ten days allowed to eat as usual, simply eliminated from the diet flour and sugar. Since the diet recommends replacing high-calorie low-calorie dishes, here you can not restrain myself too. Just be replaced by baking at dietary variety of baked goods, and the usual sugar to fruit. If you like a salad with mayonnaise, instead it can add low-fat yogurt. Taste dishes vary from not so much.

Get used to eat at frequent intervals, about 2 hours. It is believed that during this time the body will not have time to experience hunger, so portions of food should be small. If you are used to eating the "eyes" Get yourself a small plates. This will help you to reduce the visual perception.

The diet allows you to reset to 3 - 5 pounds overweight for 5 days. But these days, eating normally, you irrevocably typed part lost weight back. No need to be weighed frequently. The end result is fixed, you still know no sooner than a month. Once a week, on the advice of nutritionists arrange fasting day.

Now pay attention to what should be your menu for five days diet.

7.00 - Drink one cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
9.00 - eat a salad of grated carrots with a little lemon juice.
11.00 - one fruit of your choice.
13.00 - lunch time. You need to eat 100 grams of fresh water fish or boiled meat, a piece of corn bread and 10 grams. butter.
15.00 - choose for yourself what you like best: hard boiled egg, 100 grams of cheese or cottage cheese 100 g.
17.00 - vegetable salad. To make it, you can use beets, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots or any other of your favorite vegetable.
19.00 - 10 pieces of pre-soaked in water, dried apricots or prunes.
21.00 - drink a glass of nonfat yogurt.

Tags: diet, nutrition, appearance, weight loss method