Rice-Compote diet Kempner

Rice-Compote diet Kempner
 If you want to lose weight quickly and without much harm to health, try monodietetu. For example, the program Kempner, during which you can only eat boiled rice and compote. Weight loss is guaranteed, however, such a rigid diet requires you to extraordinary willpower.
 English dietician Walt Kempner developed his diet not only for weight loss but also for healing the body. It shows people experiencing heart problems, liver and stomach, as well as those who suffer from edema. Rice is known for its ability to quickly and effectively rid the body of excess water, and potassium contained in dried fruits, helps cleanse the liver and recovery.

Kempner diet has been practiced for more than 60 years. American and British doctors clinics prescribe it quite often, noting that it is particularly effective effect on patients, whose diets are a large amount of fat, sugar, and all sorts of semi-finished products and fast food. Weight loss begins on the second or third day of the program. However, to continue the diet for more than five days is not necessary - it can damage health. If you want to continue losing weight, to the rice-Compote diet will be back in a week or two. Do not forget that before the program is best to consult with your doctor - this is especially important for those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Complete rice porridge compote 500 g of dried fruit or 1 kilogram of fresh fruit and 100 grams of sugar. The set of dried fruit compote to be sure to include rich in potassium apricots and prunes to facilitate the work of the intestine. In addition, the suit raisins, dried apples, pears, cherries and figs. From fresh fruits and stone fruits give preference pome - apples, pears, quince, peaches, plums and apricots. Proportion of fruit depends on your taste.

Cooked compote cool and divide into portions. On the day you need to 1, 5 liters of finished beverage - that is 6 cups. Start the morning with a glass of fruit broth, noon drink another one, on lunch, eat a portion of rice, washed down with a compote. The fourth cup of broth relies on lunch and dinner except compote eat the last portion of rice. Last cup of broth to use at bedtime. Other food and drinks are not recommended. An exception can be made only for pure water without gas.

Results of diet you sure to please. For five days, you can lose up to three pounds, get rid of the swelling and gain fresh complexion. Doctors supervising patients on a diet Kempner, noted an improvement in sleep, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and skin improvement.

Out of the diet should be gradual. On the sixth day enter into the diet of fresh vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil, vegetable soup and corn bread. On the seventh day return to normal diet. Try to delete from the menu sweets and fatty foods - so you will be able to fix the result of diet and not gain the lost weight.

Tags: diet, mono-diet, walt, compote