How to lose weight on kefir-fruit diet

How to lose weight on kefir-fruit diet
 Useful properties of dairy products and fruits as a rich source of vitamins and minerals are indisputable. To get rid of excess weight of these groups of products fit perfectly, because they low in carbohydrates, they stimulate the stomach and intestines, increasing metabolism.

Kefir-fruit diet is not harmful to the body and mind, allowing you to feast on tasty and sweet fruit in virtually unlimited quantities. But, choosing the ingredients for a diet should be selected fruit every day, taking into account their caloric content.

Grapes and bananas should be less than apples, pears or plums. Another important condition - to comply with the limits of saturation. Consume fruits should be in an amount sufficient only to stave off hunger and overeating in this case can cause problems with the digestive system. Permissible eating vegetables raw or processed form (boiled or steamed). If hunger strong and difficult to comply with the terms of diet, allowed the use of clean water and no more than 1-2 cups of tea a day.

Kefir must be skimmed and its daily amount of 2 liters. Morning start and end date must be a glass of fermented milk product, and during the day you need to eat fruit. Pre-researched plan that painted stages meal (time, number and type of product), will help to control the consumption of fruits and eat at about the same time. Distribute meals which should be 6 or 7 days for uniformly.

Achieve compliance with the basic principles of kefir-fruit diet is easy, just need to make sure that in addition to authorized products in the body can not enter the food of a different composition.

Dieting require best effort only at the beginning of the course, then the process will go much easier. Duration kefir-fruit diet should not exceed 6 days. This time is sufficient in order to "unload" the body and get rid of 3-5 pounds overweight. People who are not overweight, a similar diet can observe 2-3 days. During this time, the body gets rid of the accumulated toxins.

Tags: food, fruit, diet, cleansing, compliance