Dietetics. Myths and Reality

Dietetics. Myths and Reality
 According to some myths about diets and follow them, trying to lose weight can be not only ineffective, but also very harmful to health. The problem lies in the fact that a variety of diets, as well as their principles, is enormous, and to distinguish the useful from the harmful sometimes difficult.
 No fat

There is a widespread belief that it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fats, sitting on a diet. Actually nutritionists established that fat-free diet is not conducive to weight loss, but may cause many diseases. In particular, the liver is injured and cardiovascular system. In addition, when such a diet liver is unable to process existing in the body fat, and therefore no significant weight loss occurs.

Hunger strike: to be or not to be

Quite a number of diets is based on fasting. Losing weight is proposed instead of eating to drink mineral water, eat in a day maximum of one small bowl of rice or limit the use of 2-3 apples. Sudden hunger strike to the body - this is a lot of stress. At the same time he begins to burn fat is not, believed wishing to lose weight, and muscle mass. Moreover, even if, after such a diet will be able to avoid serious problems with the digestive tract, you can still start eating more, and the body would be to store fat in reserve even more actively than before. The result - weight gain.


Any monodiets harmful, if you stick with them for a long time. Use them only for organizing principle of handling 2-3 days a month, but no more. Firstly, monodiets not as effective as it might seem at first glance. Secondly, limiting diet with just one product, you deprive the body of many nutrients and cause harm to your health.

At least - is better?

Eat once a day - not a good idea, unless you want to get gastritis or stomach ulcers. Moreover, this method did not help you lose weight, because the body gradually goes into starvation mode and will be put off the maximum amount of fat, so weight will not begin to decrease and increase. Therefore, eat 4-5 times a day, but gradually, so as not to overload the stomach and lose weight at the same time.

Tags: diet, reality, myth, nutrition