Diet Alicia Silverstone

Diet Alicia Silverstone
 In America and Europe, it is known effective unloading diet Alicia Silverstone, designed for 3 days and not only helps to get rid of a few pounds, but also to restore metabolism.

The main advantage of this diet is that it is available for almost any person and stick to it can be quite a long time. However, diet Alicia Silverstone has a disadvantage: sticking of the proposed menu, you can "not reached" proteins and vitamins, so before you give preference to this diet you should consult your doctor.

Sample menu diet Alicia Silverstone:

First day.

Breakfast: grapefruit juice - 170 grams; wholemeal cereal with soy milk - 250 grams.
Lunch: fresh or boiled vegetables - 170 grams, boiled beans - 120 grams.
Dinner: tofu - 115 grams, rice, steamed - 250 grams.
Dessert cakes with rice - 2 pieces, jam or marmalade - 2 tsp.

Second day:

Breakfast: pancakes with fresh berries - 2 pieces.
Lunch: steamed vegetables - 250 grams; boiled corn - 100 grams, fruit salad - 250 grams.
Dinner: Pizza with cheese - 100 grams, vegetable salad - 250 grams.
Dessert: Plum - 2 pieces, sorbet - 150 grams.

Third day:

Breakfast: bread with soy cheese cream - 2 slices.
Lunch: steamed vegetables - 250 grams, rye bread - 1 slice.
Dinner: Stuffed peppers - 2 pieces, broccoli, steamed - 250 grams.
Dessert: a low-calorie yogurt - 250 grams, fresh strawberries - 250 grams.

In addition, Alicia Silverstone loves to sit on the "short-term" diets on apples. It's kind of fasting days, which should not hold more than 1 time per month.

Option №1. During the day, you must have an unlimited number of apples, and drink plenty of water or a soothing herbal infusions.
Option №2. During the day, you must eat 1, 5 kg of apples (fresh or baked in the oven). But you can not drink anything.
Variant №3. On 1 apple should drink 1/2 cup of nonfat yogurt 5-6 times a day.

But such fasting days only efficacious for the prevention of, if you want to throw a couple of extra pounds. If you need to get rid of 6-7 pounds overweight, you can use apple diet Alicia Silverstone, designed for 7 days.
First day: 1 kilo of apples.
Second day: 1, 5 kg of apples.
The third and fourth day to 2 kg of apples.
Fifth day: 1, 5 kg of apples.
Sixth and seventh day for 1 kg of apples.

You can drink water and green tea in unlimited quantities.

Tags: diet, pounds, option, Alicia Silverstone