The diet is divided into three stages. During the first period, you should eat foods rich in protein. This meat containing little fat, all seafood, cheese, nuts and eggs. Welcome almost all vegetables (except beets, carrots and sweet tomatoes), herbs and mushrooms. Sunflower and olive oil are also allowed. But the list of prohibited for use at this time of significant products. You will have to give up everything that containing large amounts of carbohydrates. This fatty meat, rice, corn, potatoes, bread, milk, juices, fruits and berries, alcoholic beverages, pastries and flour products, any sweets. Starve while you are unlikely, since the products in which structure much protein is left feeling nasyscheniya.Rekomenduetsya have often, but slowly - up to six times a day.
A second step for prolonged time. You have to stick to the diet as long as the weight is back to normal, or until it is no longer declining. At this time, you can also eat often and in small portions, but the list of authorized products widens slightly. In small amounts, add low-fat dairy products, unsweetened berries and fruits, as well as unpolished rice and brown bread. Can treat yourself to a glass of wine and a small tiles of dark chocolate.
The third stage captures achievements. At this time, you have to reduce meals to four. The diet includes almost all of the products that have been banned. The exception of flour and white bread, potatoes, and sugar. Should not be abused sweets. How long does this period? We can say that, if you wish, it will last forever. Seeing in the mirror those dramatic changes that have happened to you, you might want to continue to be a vibrant, toned and slim. Author diet claims that if you successfully overcome the first two phases, then continue to use harmful products you just do not feel like it. However, sometimes you can and break the strict prohibitions, but a new way of life, you are likely to enjoy it more.
The advantages of such a diet is considered a fairly wide range of products, to free choice of diet, lack of hunger and improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, which also helps to cope with the problem of high blood pressure. The disadvantages include a strict ban on sweet - this is especially difficult to endure "sweet tooth", as well as the result of unstable during the initial weight loss.