Basic rules "sea" diet are: the rejection of spices and salt, replacing them with lemon juice, eat seafood preferably baked or boiled, limit alcohol and starchy foods.
Among the proposed variations nutritionist breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can at its discretion select a song that suits you best.
Breakfast options:
Tuna in its own juice (50 g); two slices of bread with bran; tomato and lettuce.
Baked white fish (75 g), tomatoes, onions and mushroom broth.
Sardines in brine (50 g), pour a glass of lemon juice; a toast and tomato.
Dining options:
150 g of any seafood (scallops, mussels, shrimp) and a portion of vegetable salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers, seasoned with lemon juice.
Baked in a sleeve (150 g) any sea fish with vegetables.
90 g of canned tuna or salmon and a big portion of salad dressed with lemon.
Dinner options:
Fish cake, toast bran, 50 g peas, vegetable salad.
100 grams of salad from cooked meat or two eggs, tomato, cucumber and apple.
Any fish (150 g), breaded and baked in foil, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and broccoli, seasoned with lemon juice.
Optimal term diet - 3 weeks, followed by a short break is desired.