Katya Miromanova - system minus 60

Katya Miromanova - system minus 60
 "Minus 60" - a system developed by Catherine Mirimanova. Through a proprietary methodology author managed to lose 60 pounds and feel healthy and happy woman. If you are in the following list did not meet some of the product, its use impossible.

Breakfast, lunch (all strictly up to 12 hours). You can have everything, not counting calories.

Lunch (strictly up to 14 hours). You can:

- A small amount of mayonnaise, sour cream, soy sauce, vegetable oil, pickles;
- Fresh vegetables;
- Soup (vegetable broth if it is possible to add the first potatoes if in meat broth - no potatoes);
- Garnish: vegetables (boiled, steamed), buckwheat, rice. If a side dish consists of potatoes, beans or pasta, then eat no meat / fish.
- Meat: sausages, burgers, cooked sausage, jelly, grilled (not bold);
- Fish, crab sticks, seafood, sushi;
- Boiled eggs;
- Mushrooms boiled or steamed;
- Fruit (citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, prunes, plums).

Options for dinner (up to 18 hours, in extreme cases, up to 19). You must select only one option.

- Fruit: citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, prunes, plums (which is allowed to combine fruit with milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt, plain yogurt);
- Vegetables: besides potatoes, squash, eggplant, corn, and beans and mushrooms (it is allowed to combine vegetables with groats (buckwheat, rice) or dairy products);
- Meat / fish: resolution (see. Lunch), boiled eggs (with nothing to combine);
- Cottage cheese, yogurt or cheese (50 g) (all except the cheese, may be combined with fruit or vegetables).


You can:

- Coffee (after 6pm - without milk and sugar);
- Tea (same);
- Milk and kislomolochka;
- Dry red wine (in reasonable doses);
- Fresh juice from vegetables or fruits allowed.

The principles of good nutrition on the "System 60"

1. Drink water as much as required by the body. For mineral water with gas should be treated with caution - it stimulates the appetite.
2. In the afternoon away from the diet of sugar and sugar products, honey.
3. Between meals, as well as an after-dinner snacks are permitted from approved fruits or vegetables.
4. Welcomes the multivitamin.
5. The fruit per day should eat a little (just 3-4 pieces) - in large quantities, they impede the process of losing weight.
6. Fish and meat products prepared by stewing, boiling, baking. You can fry them, but without oil.

Since the "Minus 60" - this is not a diet, and nutrition system, it is desirable to adhere to the principles of life.

Tags: system, diet, nutrition