Kefir is considered a dietary product, it is easily absorbed by the body, without irritating the stomach wall. Cucumbers are 95% water, so they speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.
Eat cucumbers can be as raw and as part of salads. To do this, finely chop the vegetables, add a little greenery, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with olive oil. If you become boring yogurt, can alternate it with carbonated mineral water. For lunch, you can cook for a couple of slaves or just boil it in water.
If, during the application of the diet you feel ill health (weakness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes), discard the food restrictions.
Kefir cucumber diet could be used to discharge the body and weight maintenance. To do this once a week and a half kilograms of cucumbers Eat and drink two liters of yogurt. This daily amount must be divided into 6-8 receptions. Thus, the daily caloric intake of 675 kcal be.
Remember that Kefir cucumber diet can harm your body. The thing is that the water contained in the cucumber, displays not only toxins, but also vitamins, and minerals. So do not get carried away with food restrictions and use diet only as a last resort. If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, employ any diet strictly contraindicated.