Less rigid kefir diet for weight loss involves addition of yogurt the other products, but they must be correctly combined with a drink and to expand the list, replace it with other products or increase the proposed level of servings is prohibited.
This diet lasts a week, and the need to eat small meals every two hours. On the first day allowed only yogurt. The next day he supplemented 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Day three allows four tuber boiled or baked potatoes. On the fourth day of yogurt combined with 3 medium-sized apples. The fifth and sixth days of repeated second and third. Last day - discharge, only one drink mineral water without gas. The amount of alcohol is not limited to yogurt. It is advisable to purchase a drink low-fat, but the extra two percent fat diet will not spoil. Kefir should give pleasure, and not cause disgust.
In addition to the kefir is not prohibited only green tea. Sugar and salt are added. Out of the diet should be gradual, otherwise lost with such difficulty pounds quickly come back. In addition, after a week of discharge too oily and junk food just harmful to the stomach.