Many of us often work under stress: a very short time and the constant pressure of the authorities, regular delay after the end of the official working day. However, there are people who like such a regime, and their name - workaholics.
Workaholics are, for various reasons, and often unconsciously, but stop being so - a complex and often lengthy process. But he - is necessary because with a raise, caused by regular adaptations and praise superiors frequent health problems in the family.
The most common problem workaholic - insomnia. Perhaps it begins with it everything else. It would seem that after a tiring day at work and prolonged brain must require rest, but there it was. Configured mode "activity" nervous system is already in use at some point reserve forces - what we call a "second wind" and now it is not easy to settle down.
Unresolved questions regarding the recall was in bed before going to bed without giving relax and disconnect. Sleep for a workaholic becomes a real problem as a rule, "otsypanie" comes the weekend, really stealing watches legal holidays. Sometimes with insomnia nightmares come when overloaded brain gives information in a bizarre dream.
The result of the outbreak becomes insomnia or sleeping pills sleep "in the morning" after many attempts to sleep. A wake-up call to the - already very long ... A long series of similar nights leads to the fact that the body gets used to the 4-5 hours of sleep interval and late fall asleep, and rebuild it on the old way becomes easy. The body works hard.
The most important advice when started insomnia - distracted. Physical activity, for example, in the gym. A hot bath with relaxing salts and aromatic oils will ease the problem much restful sleep.