How to beat sleepy?

How to beat sleepy?
 If you are not happy with any spring drops or frosty morning patterns on glass or autumn coolness, not even fresh summer morning, then most likely you are suffering from constant drowsiness. Each awakening for you like torture. During the trip to work I want to drop my head on the steering wheel or a neighbor's shoulder in public transport. And in the workplace, you just wait for the lunch break to relax and even take a nap. So you can not live. Declare war sleepiness!

Healthy sleep

The main cause of daytime sleepiness - the failure of biorhythms, that is, the internal clock of man. If you do not want all day "nodding off", you will certainly have to sleep at night!

A warm shower and a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or sweet tasty cookies better than any sleeping pills help to plunge into the world of dreams. Remember that the calmer evening will be, the stronger and healthier will be your dream. No quarrels, no dramatic melodramas or horror films, any thoughts about troubles that occurred during the day.

Think about how much for a wonderful sleep the bed where you sleep. The mattress should be sufficiently rigid and blanket - easy. Often leads to sleep disturbances it from overheating duvets and blankets.

Too dry air in the room can also interfere with good sleep. Purchase ionizer, even the smallest, and put it near his head. Well, or in extreme cases, cover the battery overnight with a wet towel.

Vigorous revival

If you are working or studying, then most likely, you get up every morning the alarm clock. And if morning awakening is given to you with difficulty, the alarm melody for you is rapidly becoming the most hated sound in the world. Slow down the process of negative associations can, putting on an alarm clock to your favorite song or a nice melody. Well, if it is possible to establish the increasing volume of the signal.

Do not rush the first wake-up call to jump out of bed. Arrange a small charge, stimulating a revival. For example, rotate the hands and feet, posgibayte elbows and knees, roll the "bicycle". You notice how the dream goes, and the mood will be better.

Coffee in bed

Start the first minutes of a new day is recommended with a few sips invigorating warm drinks: coffee, sweet tea with lemon, herbal infusions, hot compotes. And to ensure this drink your bed you can own. Just drink in the evening brew and pour it into a thermos, which put near the bed.
Alternating douche

If time permits, make sure you take every day in the morning douche. This procedure not only tempers the body, increasing the overall immune system, but also helps to wake up perfectly.

The daily charge

Drowsiness usually finds in the midst of the working day, and you start to feel like the head itself goes down, and his eyes begin to stick together. To get rid of this feeling of lethargy enough for a couple of minutes to distract from the work which you are engaged, and spend a little fizkultminutku.

If the situation does not allow you to start or jump squats, then just get up and walk down the hall. But even if it is for you too great a luxury, it can be sitting in the place to spend a few breathing exercises and exercises for the eyes.

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