Relieves stress by means of breathing

Relieves stress by means of breathing
 Strong emotion, stress, hard work and personal conflicts can permanently put out of balance. After a hard day it is important to be able to relax, to not accumulate negative emotions and physical fatigue. One of the fastest and most effective ways of relaxation is breathing exercises. It has been successfully used in many systems of the modern fitness - yoga, Pilates, Qigong, Bodyflex. Giving breathing exercises just ten minutes a day, you can restore emotional balance and improve health.

Before you start training, wear loose, not a pressure on the stomach clothes. Turn off the phone and TV. Can quietly in the background to enable a quiet meditative music. Try to escape for a while from thinking about problems and unpleasant memories. Imagine that you are on the beach or the lake, on a meadow or in a beautiful garden. Focus on internal sensations and the process of respiration. Feel the air passes through the nose, bathes all body and exhale takes you from negative energy and fatigue.

Lie on your back on a flat surface. Feet shoulder width apart, feet relaxed. Keep your head straight. Place the palm of your hand on the lower abdomen. Thumbs are above the navel, and the rest - below the navel. Eyes can be closed. Take a deep breath and feel your belly swells on a breath like a balloon. Inhale on four counts and hold your breath for two seconds. Exhale on four counts, feeling the belly deflates. Pause after exhalation - two seconds. Repeat the cycle of 8 to 32 times.

The next exercise is called "full breath" or "breath of yogis." It involves all parts of the lungs. It involved the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles. Lie down, as in the first exercise, hands raskinte in hand, palms up. Inspiratory inflate the abdomen, and then expand the edges and lift the chest, filling the air consistently lower, middle and upper part of the lungs. Duration of inhalation - 6-8 seconds. Two second pause. Exhale do in the opposite direction - lower chest, ribs and stomach deflate. Perform 8-32 times. Over time, you can increase the duration of inhalation, exhalation and pause between them. The number of repetitions was gradually added, one per day.

At the end of breathing practice, perform relaxation exercises. Close your eyes and imagine how your body fills the flow of clean water. Successively relax the muscles of feet, legs, knees, hips and buttocks. Put the focus on the hand, arm and shoulders. Then relax the muscles of the abdomen, chest, back, neck and face. Soak in a relaxed state for five minutes and gradually climb. Compare your feelings before and after exercise. You will notice that your body is left stiffness and tension.

Tags: help, stress, exercise, breathing exercises, relaxation