How to cope with the blues

How to cope with the blues
 Recently, stress, too often resulting in social life, and on a personal level, contribute to the appearance of the blues. Typically, this condition is characterized by a passive lifestyle, constant fatigue, irritability and bad mood. These symptoms lead to the fact that a person ceases to get pleasure from life and becomes absolutely not interesting either himself or other people. Therefore, when the first signs of distemper should direct all our efforts to combat this condition.
 First of all, try to change the attitude to his personality, not to impose on themselves excessive demands and achieving even the small successes and achievements on the way to the target, praise yourself. Try to experience more positive emotions to the most insignificant occasions. Starting adequately treat yourself, you take the first step to combat discouragement.

The next step is to put in order of their appearance. Go to the mirror, straighten shoulders and straighten your posture, lift your chin, put on a new suit, smile - and you will see a completely different person. An indispensable tool in this case are sports, fitness clubs and gyms, walking in the fresh air, etc. Receiving from such events more energy, you will surely feel better and more energetic.

A very important aspect in the fight against the blues is to communicate with friends, family, and sometimes with quite strangers. After the closure of a peculiar period of depression, only aggravates the situation. Friendly conversations, a new positive information, on the contrary, will distract you from negative thoughts.

Get rid of the blues and help rest, fascinating trips that will allow a change of scenery, relax, enjoy nature and new places. In his spare time, read your favorite book or take a look before you favorite movies, go to the theater or a concert. Do not forget about Laughter, because laughter - this is a great weapon against bad mood. Think about your hobbies (embroidery, floral et al.), Engage in creative work that will fill a void and negative.

In addition, adjust your diet. At the time, forget about diets and restrictions, eat foods antidepressant: chocolate, fruits (especially bananas and citrus), berries, nuts, meat and seafood.

Tags: depression, mood, spleen