The word tattoo is translated to English means "art image on the skin." Permanent tattoo was first used in Taiwan, and in 1984 he came to Europe. Professionals find it even one of the areas of aesthetic medicine and dermography. The procedure is the introduction of the colorant to a small depth under the skin using a special apparatus. Calibration is done using anesthesia because the pain while hardly felt. The only inconvenience - is redness, minor swelling and crusting, which take place over two days. Complete healing occurs within four to seven days. It is worth remembering that the tattoo is necessary to use an expensive paint - its constituent plant and non-plant pigments not only better, they also have the ability to heal.
Today there are several types of tattoo: a natural, and there are more decorative when it creates the effect painted. Typically, permanent makeup make lips, eyebrows and eyes.
But what is its advantages? Why do so many of us strive to make permanent makeup? The answer is quite simple: it allows the girl to feel confident and well maintained, highlights its beauty. In addition to the tattoo is quite convenient to correct some congenital defects such as asymmetry of the lips, scars, etc.. It is also important that within three years, while keeping its effect, your skin is practically experiencing the harmful effects makeup - because there is no need to draw eyebrows every morning and arrows, it is not necessary several times a day to sum up lips. So another advantage tattoo - your skin because of it retains its youth! And its function is important alternative to plastic surgery - for example, if you have thin lips, with the help of tattoo can slightly adjust their. If you have allergies, you also desirable to refer to this procedure: as we know, often all sorts of make-up cause allergies manifest in all its beauty, hovering as permanent make-up, which, by the way, there is practically no contraindications (except for diabetes, asthma and skin diseases ), you will be able for a time to put away pencils and use less ink.
Statistics show that 90% of people who make a tattoo, come to the salon again, because its effect can not be underestimated. Let him help you to be confident in their beauty.