Lemon helps to remove freckles and age spots. For this purpose, its juice, which wipe your face twice a day. If the facial skin is prone to dryness, better juice diluted with water. Nourish dry skin mask tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Eliminate shine and give a beautiful matte look oily skin face mask help from the pulp of half a lemon and whipped egg white. These means are applied in two portions after 5 minutes. They are washed off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.
Make a healthy and fresh look "tired" skin will help mask from grapes: mashed berries while superimposed on a layer of gauze with holes for eyes and mouth. Adding to the pulp of grapes teaspoon of honey, you get a great mask for the faded skin: this means nourish it with the necessary nutrients and have a tonic effect. Grape juice is well wipe dry skin on the elbows, knees or heels - it is perfectly soften it.
In order to give the skin a healthy, radiant species traditionally used watermelon. Very effective kind of steam bath: the flesh of watermelon juice with heated over low heat and keep it on the face for about 5 minutes. Watermelon pulp and has an excellent lifting effect. The effect will be noticeable after the first 5-10 minutes of the mask: the skin becomes soft, toned, "glowing". In addition, the use of watermelon in food can get rid of edema, which gives the skin a healthy look.
Finally, a wonderful rejuvenating effect have masks from the pulp of a peach. For their preparation peach with peel chopped, add to it a spoonful of sour cream or milk powder. Mass is applied to the face and neck and wash off after drying. This fruit will help to get rid of acne: to prepare medical mask peach pulp need to add a couple of drops of salicylic alcohol. When used regularly, this tool will get the facial skin clean and healthy.