Beauty Recipes: parsley dark circles under the eyes

Beauty Recipes: parsley dark circles under the eyes
 Until now, dark circles under the eyes are a mystery. For some, they occur only after a sleepless night or overwork. Others appear due to impaired circulation in small capillaries after working at the computer or another strain.
 Sometimes the skin under the eyes can darken because of violations of health. These failures may be part of the heart, kidney or endocrine system. In this case, the problem can be solved only by the doctor.

For others, this problem is a constant cause for frustration, because under the thin skin constantly shine vessels. In this case it is necessary to eat right, do not overwork and drink vitamins. And regularly use special tools.

Cosmetic industry produces a variety of means to deal with dark circles. But they are not always effective and often are very expensive. Therefore, we can try to deal with this cosmetic imperfections home remedies.

One such tool is the parsley. This grass is very common in the middle lane, so do not have to spend a lot of time to search for her. It contains the necessary nutrients and vitamins. This vitamin C, which is a great antioxidant and vitamin PP (rutin), which promotes vascular walls. Complex composition of mineral salts also help to strengthen the walls of the small capillaries. Parsley is not only whitens the skin, but also tones it. Therefore, it is necessary to use inward and outward in the form of masks and compresses.

The simplest thing you can do - it's a handful of finely chopped parsley stems and leaves and put them on the skin of the lower eyelids. On 15 minutes they should cover damp cotton pad or gauze. Through this time, wash with cool water.

For the preparation of parsley compresses cup of boiling water pour a tablespoon of herbs. Let sit for 15 minutes and strain. The resulting broth soak cotton pads and put on the eyes for 15 minutes.

To lighten dark circles and simultaneously nourish dry skin century, follow to make a mask from the leaves of parsley and sour cream. Teaspoon chopped parsley mixed with two teaspoons of sour cream and 15 minutes is applied to the skin of the eyelid.

It should be remembered that the dark circles disappear after the first compress or masks. These procedures should be carried out regularly. Further help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels rubbing the skin with ice cubes. To enhance the effect of this, make ice from the broth of parsley.

Tags: Eye, skin, face, mask, beauty, care, parsley, circle, dark, recipe