Pelargonium: Features of cultivation

Pelargonium: Features of cultivation
 Pelargonium or geranium, almost familiar to many. Our grandmothers grew this flower and thought that he protects the house and attracts wealth. In addition, the plant releases volatile, which kill bacteria. They say that if you put a few pots with pelargonium in the nursery, you can forget about colds.  

Now you can buy a wide variety of Pelargonium: zonal, ivy, royal, fragrant, violotsvetnuyu. They differ from each other wealth of shades (from white to purple), shape of leaves and flowers. This genus includes more than 200 species.

The simplest of care and breeding - zonal pelargonium. The room it blooms all year round, and if the plant is to make the spring in the garden, it will bloom from June until frost.

Ripple flower is possible by means of cuttings 5-7 inches in length. Cut them clean sharp knife at an angle and place to take root in water. Cuttings very quickly give the roots (in a week you will already have the planting material). You can put them directly into the soil in individual cups, pour and put on top plastic bag. This mini-teplichku put on the window.

Prepare the augmentation of yield of an equal number of leaf, compost and perlite. At the bottom of the pot, pour drainage from the expanded clay or gravel. He landed in rooted cuttings. If you plant a few cuttings of zonal pelargonium, then they will bloom better, but the royal pelargonium need to plant one. She does not like the neighbors.

Container for growing pelargoniums are selected based on the size of the roots. Pot should not be too large or small. Once the plant becomes crowded, transplant it into a large container.

Caring for plants is watering and fertilizing. Pour Pelargonium careful not to fill, otherwise the plant defoliation and root system rots. Geranium refers to those plants that are better dry, as it tends to accumulate water in the leaves and stems. Spray and wipe the leaves also not necessary. Flower fertilization should be done every two weeks. For this fit a complete fertilizer, such as "Kemira luxury." Bring the plant in the summer garden or balcony.

Winter Pelargonium Rest, therefore, place the plant in a cool place. The recommended temperature of + 10-15 degrees. Furthermore, it should reduce watering. After this period of rest will appreciate the abundant blooming flower.

Tags: pelargonium, cultivation, especially