The Eighth Wonder of the World - Pamukkale

The Eighth Wonder of the World - Pamukkale
 Pamukkale - a small village, which is located in the south-western part of Turkey, 20 km from the city of Denizli. The township has received worldwide fame thanks to the unique natural phenomenon that has arisen from mineral sources. This phenomenon is the eighth wonder of the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With Turkish Pamukkale means "cotton castle".


From a distance Pamukkale resembles a huge mountain of cotton. This is actually a salt and travertine, which for centuries have accumulated on the slopes and turned them into white terraces. On multilevel lumps drain thermal springs, supersaturated calcium bicarbonate. They are going into a bath with boiling hot water. Its temperature ranges from +30 to +45 degrees. Day of mountain snow-white, and at dawn and dusk they become soft shades of pink and purple flowers.

The emergence of the eighth wonder of the world

The emergence of this wonder of the world contributed to the hot geysers, rich in calcium, limestone solution and concentrated carbon dioxide. Cooling and solidify, they form a multilevel cascade of dazzling white. There is a legend that tells that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra bathed in these springs. Today visit Pamukkale and take a bath can be anyone.

Medicinal properties of sources

Springs of Pamukkale gained world fame for its healing properties. In ancient times, emperors were treated waters and all the nobility. The unique composition, are shown in many diseases. Mineral water helps in diseases of the eyes, skin, rheumatism, rickets, paralysis, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Caught in Pamukkale, you can soak in the bath, stand under waterfalls and lower legs into the flow stream of healing.

Cleopatra's Pool

In 5-6 minute walk from Pamukkale is a swimming pool with hot mineral water, which has a key from under the ground. This pool of Cleopatra. Water source contains hydrocarbon, calcium sulfate and magnesium and has a bitter-salty taste. Due to the high content of carbon monoxide on the surface of the pool splashes occur, and the body covered with small bubbles. Water cures gastritis, rheumatism and asthma. And yet, according to legend, Cleopatra bathed in the pool, you can look younger for 10 years!


Pamukkale is located close to the healing springs Karahaita. The water here is red. Its temperature is 60 degrees. A little aside are mud spas.

Hotels in Pamukkale

If you are coming to Antalya, you will have the opportunity to purchase a two-day trip to Pamukkale. The journey takes about 5 hours. You can also come to the sources in the long term. Pamukkale annually receives thousands of visitors who want to take a course of wellness and recovery procedures. Here built modern hotels offering all conditions for comfortable rest and treatment. The hotel has its own mud and hot springs. All procedures are performed under the supervision of a physician. The resort is very popular among tourists from Europe and the United States due to its high efficacy and excellent service.


In addition to the healing waters in Pamukkale are the ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis, which existed three thousand years ago. To this day, remains of streets, temples and an amphitheater. You can visit the ancient city of Ephesus, as well as the famous archaeological site of Aphrodisias.

Tags: light source, cotton, pamukkal