Doctors believe that in order to fully adjust to the new time, the body needs the same number of days as it crossed time zones. Such a process is a serious stress for the person. What he is older, the harder it carries jet lag, so you should be prepared in advance to a new location had the opportunity to rest immediately after the flight.
Once a man came to a new place, the first time he would inevitably feel some nervousness, agitation, sometimes quite uncomfortable. It's OK. Recall that, bringing a cat into a new house, you can see that while she does not eat anything, nervous, walking on bent legs and explores a new home? It's natural instincts, which occur in all living beings on arrival in an unfamiliar place. Excitation of jet lag does not last long, it soon gives way to a certain lethargy. When a person is completely adaptable, his condition normal.
There may be some complications during the first one or two days: dizziness, nausea, headache, aching muscles. It happens that a person has violated the digestive system. Added to this lack of sleep, stress from the trip, the effects of long-term stay in the plane, where the air is too dry.
Jet lag syndrome carry all different, we can not recommend any measures that work for everyone. But some general advice is still there. Firstly, try to arrange the flight so that arrive in the evening or afternoon to comfortably reach the place where you are going to stay a bit to eat, take a shower and go to bed. Flights arriving in the early morning or late evening is not too comfortable, because you have to either spend the day valyas from exhaustion, or half the night in a strange place you spend on the search and the way to the hotel, but there is also not sleep enough.
Go on the road, well rested and slept. Drink enough water, but try to do without alcohol, smoke as little as possible, if you are affected by this habit. Coffee is also not conducive to comfortable transferring of jet lag, as it causes insomnia, agitation and nervousness. Avoid sleeping pills, it causes lethargy, and you already will not be too energetic.