Best travel on New Year's holidays

Best travel on New Year's holidays
 New Year holidays in Russia - is something like an additional holiday. Therefore, many tend to celebrate the New Year away from home. But where it is better to go - to the warm seas and white sand under the palm trees, or, conversely, closer to the residence of Santa Claus - in Scandinavian snow? There are many options for every taste. Here is just a sample list of the best New Year's travel.
 New Year's on the track

Ski resort - is a logical option for the New Year holiday. Fortunately, a lot of these places, and there are expected not only experienced skiers and snowboarders. Winter holidays - a great opportunity to learn these skills and just get a lot of pleasant experiences. If you do not want to ski - it is possible to rent a large sledge or just drinking hot mulled wine while admiring the surrounding beauty.

The most fashionable ski resorts - in Switzerland. But if the round trip you can not afford, you can have a great time in similar places in Poland, Finland and Slovakia. By the way, the Russian ski resorts today on the services and features are not inferior to foreign ones. So if you do not have time to issue a passport, do not discount the Elbrus region, Khibiny, famous Krasnaya Polyana.

From winter to summer

Under the new year, many Russians are beginning to miss the hot sun. If you're one of these - the cost to buy New Year's tour to tropical countries. Yes, there will be no snow and Santa Claus, but you will be able to soak in the clear waves, sunbathe on the warm sand, to participate in sea fishing or scuba dive - exotic!

The most popular destinations - Egypt (here on New Year's holidays are usually organized special animation program), Goa, Thailand. A more expensive option - a tropical island: Maldives or the Caribbean. Here leisure class above, you can not only enjoy the pleasures of "all inclusive", but also to get a cold beer in the bed, and a light cocktail - on the beach.

Close to home

Diversify the New Year's holiday, without spending a while too large amounts, it is possible if you opt for vacation in any boarding house near the house. This is a good option for a trip with family or friends. These places usually offer a range of services: a visit to the bath or sauna, ice rink, skiing and sleigh riding, harnessed to carts holidays.

 You can also remove a cute cottage near the woods and decorate live Christmas tree. Bonfire in winter more New Year's Eve certainly remember. And if the company meets more - you can organize some extreme entertainment, for example, winter paintball.

No matter what version you are staying note that book tours or places in boarding houses must be in advance - usually much wanting. Prices for New Year's Eve is usually 30-50% higher than in ordinary days.

Tags: house, holiday, year journey