Of course, you should not choose a trip to a country where medical care can not be provided at the appropriate level. Think before you go to the picturesque ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. A pregnant woman is better to choose Turkey or Israel. Trite, but in an emergency inspection will be carried out by specialists, and not from the village healer. By choosing a country, consider and climatic conditions: a stuffy, hot climate is not conducive to well-being. Bus tours through Europe with a daily visit new cities and many hours of hiking excursions are also not the best option. On long journeys begin to swell feet, and a constant desire to visit the restroom does not add the fun of travel. In addition, lack of sleep due to jet lag can affect blood pressure, so pay attention to the country at a distance of not more than 3 000 km and with a similar climate.
When the decision is taken on a trip, check with your doctor, leading pregnancy, all possible situations. Make a list of drugs approved for use in this period, and collect the road first aid kit. Self-treatment, of course, deal with not even worth the trip, but at hand should be all you need.
If you are traveling abroad, purchase an insurance policy. Many insurers do not take insurance for pregnant women, therefore please make inquiries, so as not to have to spend time in their offices. Check your insurance policy clause stating that the costs associated with the provision of health services to preserve the pregnancy, will be paid by the insurance company, or they will fall on your shoulders. If you are traveling on the territory of Russia, take a policy of compulsory medical insurance.
Going to a country whose language you do not know, make a small thematic dictionary. Include the words and phrases "I'm pregnant", "I'm not good", "My stomach hurts," and so on, so that you could understand any passerby. Remember that body language has not been canceled, and the word «baby» understood in all countries of the world.
Travelling at the slightest sign of sickness, consult a doctor. Ask the administrator to call the hospital, show the insurance policy and describe the situation. Dizziness and nausea, of course, often accompany pregnancy in the first trimester, but bleeding and discharge - it is an occasion to sound the alarm. Try not to panic, but do not let things take their course, on your vigilance depends not only your health, but the health of the baby. So remember, your positive attitude has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, no wonder folk wisdom says; "Pregnancy is not a disease."