Features postpartum

 That happened a long-awaited event in a woman's life - was born a tiny little man who gave my mom an incredible feeling of tenderness, love and happiness. And now all the attention and care belongs to him - to focus my mother's thoughts and hopes. However, women should not forget about yourself closely and carefully treat postpartum their health. After all, at this time are important regenerative processes, which in many ways can influence the further women's health.

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As a general rule, subject to the recommendations of doctors, postpartum proceeds normally. But there are several problems that can overshadow the happy mood after childbirth, and to be aware of.

1. Breaks

During labor, the female body does a great job. Due to distension of the tissues of the vagina and promezhnostiveroyatno appearance of discontinuities, which are closed with stitches. Healing time discontinuities or crotch section is from one to two weeks. During this period, the woman can be expressed pain. If the birth went without breaks, the pain is not very intensity and could take place in 3-4 days.

2. lochia

Another essential feature is the postpartum lochia which represent physiological separation from the uterus after childbirth and consist of blood, mucus, mucosal pieces fall away. Thus, there is a restoration of the mucous membrane of the uterus, the endometrium is returned to its initial state, gradually closing the blood vessels at the site of attachment of the placenta.

Allocation after birth may occur about three weeks. Immediately after birth, they are bright red and copious amounts. From the third day the color changes to brown lochia red, a week - to yellowish. Markedly reduced and the amount of bleeding. Two weeks later, the lochia become lighter color and gradually ceased, indicating that the full restoration of the endometrium.

If the discharge remains red, abundant in their composition appear clots - it is a chance to see a doctor immediately, as these symptoms may indicate inflammation of the uterus.

3. Constipation and hemorrhoids

Quite often, after giving birth, women face the same problem as constipation and the appearance of hemorrhoids. The latter may be due to improper behavior as mothers during attempts, and the pressure of the fetus during labor. To rule out problems with a chair, it is important to include in your diet dried fruit, fiber. When severe pain during defecation is better to consult a doctor, who will advise what is best to use candles from hemorrhoids.

4. lactostasis and mastitis

Currently, almost every hospital has specialists who help young mothers to establish breastfeeding. Such assistance includes not only information, support and practical assistance to rastsezhivaniyu chest, learning good attachment babies, assistance in case of cracked nipples. Moreover, such professionals provide recommendations how to avoid lactostasis mastitis which are stagnant milk and mammary gland inflammation.

Stagnation of milk can be caused by incorrect position during feeding when the baby can not completely empty the breast. The main difference from mastitis lactostasis is additional contamination by micro-organisms that can penetrate through cracks in the nipple. In 90% of cases, the disease is triggered by Staphylococcus aureus.

Lactostasis and prevention of mastitis is to comply with the proper technique of feeding, timely treatment of cracked nipples, wear a special bra for nursing, which eliminates the constant squeezing. No less important is the observance of the elementary rules of hygiene, as well as timely access to a doctor in case of unpleasant symptoms.

5. Pyelonephritis

Much less in the postpartum period there is such a disease as pyelonephritis. But we should not forget that such a possibility exists, as a woman's body is weakened after childbirth, and available blood loss and, as a consequence, anemia, also significantly reduces the resistance of pathogenic bacteria. That is why the existing chronic diseases of the genitourinary system increases the likelihood of exacerbations, as well as the appearance of ascending infection of the genital tract and bladder.

If the temperature of the body and the appearance of pain or cramps during urination should urgently be examined and pass a urine sample. In the case of post-natal diagnosis of pyelonephritis doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment that allows you to quickly remove as pain and inflammation.

Puerperium - This is the first time when a woman learns the joy of motherhood. Respect women not only to the health of the baby, but also to its own will not overshadow this time unnecessary trouble and strife.

Tags: period feature